February 6, 2025


Travel Adventure

Hell, Michigan featured in new travel book on real-life devilish destinations

Hell, Michigan featured in new travel book on real-life devilish destinations

Hell, Michigan is among some of the most devilish places in the world which are featured in a new National Geographic traveler’s guide.

You can explore some of the most hellish spots on the planet in “Go to Hell: A Traveler’s Guide to Earth’s Most Otherworldly Destinations,” which just came out in hardcover ($24.99) and Kindle ($12.99) on August 13.

In her research, author Erika Engelhaupt from Knoxville, TN, went to Hell and back dozens of times over as the book profiles more than 50 unusual places rich in history, mystery and the supernatural.

“What made it fascinating to me was learning not just about crazy places, but also seeing some of the history and stories behind these places,” Engelhaupt told MLive.

She says that it wasn’t just about seeing these unusual places. As she learned the history behind them, she says it made the places even more fascinating.

“As you read through the entries, you’ll learn about history, archeology and places around the world that have different, and yet, similar ideas about Hell, the underworld and the afterlife. If you’re a curious person like me, it’s always fun to learn about different places and cultures around the world.”

One of those different places is Hell, Michigan, which is located about 20 miles northwest of Ann Arbor near Pinckney. Engelhaupt says she had a great time there.

“I was going for the full experience. I met up with John Colone, the self-proclaimed mayor or proprietor. I was there when the summer “Hell-O” fest was going on. Not only that, but there was a wedding in the chapel. And, of course, I had to come home with a lot of souvenirs like t-shirts. It was a great place. I can really see how it’s a lot of fun to have a wedding there or renew your vows. I love how the town keeps it light-hearted and family-friendly.”

Also featured in the book are places like Antarctica’s Blood Falls, a tropical hell in Grand Cayman, the Gates of Hell crater in Turkmenistan, burning for more than 50 years, Turkey’s Pluto’s Gate, China’s Fengdu City of Ghosts and Ireland’s “Hell Caves,” where Halloween was born.

“I got to actually go inside the caves in Ireland. For me, that’s a very special place that stands out. It was a lot of fun planning my travels for the book. It probably took a year to do the travel and the writing and another year of editing and production.”

And if you purchase the book, take it into a very dark place and watch what happens.


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