September 8, 2024


Travel Adventure

Why weather affects your flights

Why weather affects your flights
  • Planes are designed to withstand tremendous forces on their components when they’re flying.
  • But there’s more to keeping flying safe than the structural capabilities of airplanes.
  • The decision to delay or cancel a flight due to weather ultimately comes down to safety.

Sometimes, I’ll be on a flight going through a patch of turbulence and think to myself: “OK, this is unpleasant, but I know I’m safe.”  

Planes are designed to withstand tough weather conditions, which begs the question: Why do weather delays happen?” 

It turns out there’s a lot going on behind the scenes of weather disruptions. 

“Airplanes themselves are very capable,” Ken Byrnes, assistant dean and chairman of flight training at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University told me. “When you look at how these aircraft are designed, they’re designed to withstand tremendous loads.” 

Airplanes can structurally handle much more than Mother Nature is ever likely to throw at them, but that’s just one aspect of the “go” or “no-go” decision for a flight. 

All flyers know weather is often enemy number one of a smooth travel day. Here’s why. 

Why does weather mess up flights? It's complicated.

Planes can withstand the weather 

Next time you’re flying through turbulence, look out the window at the wing. You’ll notice it flexing. It’s supposed to do that. The flex actually helps the plane stay more stable in rough air, and also means the wing is absorbing and dissipating the forces it’s encountering safely. 


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