Zany, spookier ‘alternative Christmas Carol’ comes to Murphys Creek Theatre

Local Robbie Allen, an L.A.-based actor and former Murphys Creek Theatre artistic director stars in “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol,” a one-man, multi-character show playing through Dec. 22, 2024 at MCT.
Courtesy photo
Most of us are well-familiar with Charles Dickens’s evergreen classic, which has been staged in countless ways but has never given Scrooge’s old business partner Jacob Marley much notice.
In “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol,” a fresh, irreverent, and wildly different take by awarding-winning playwright, actor-director Tom Mula, old Marley stands squarely front and center on the boards, miserable, bound and tortured by the very gates of hell and given the tall order of redeeming Scrooge’s soul or becoming damned, himself, for all eternity.
The play, now being staged at Murphys Creek Theatre (MCT) as a one-man show starring the locally beloved, now L.A.-based actor Robbie Allen, who served in recent years as MCT’s artistic director. It opened just this past weekend and runs through Sunday, Dec. 22 with Friday and Saturday night performances at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m.
The cost to attend is still under the theatre’s 2024 policy of “pay what you can and pay it forward if you can,” meaning to make a donation if possible and consider making a larger one to help support the scaled ticket sales program.
According to MCT Artistic Director Todd Thomas, while the show has two script versions–one with four actors– MCT chose to showcase the one that is set as a one-person show– so Allen gets to portray over a dozen characters all by himself. Besides the differing storyline from last year’s “One Christmas Carol,” that Thomas himself starred in (playing 35 characters no less!), the current production offers staging elements that Thomas comparably described as “less minimal and very abstract.”
Thomas shared, “It’s still family-friendly with a hint of darkness in the same vein as the Dickens classic with just a shift in perspective and an interesting, untold backstory.” He added that he was excited when he reached out to Allen, finding he would be available and excited to get back on stage at MCT. This is my first time directing Robbie and this is his first one-man show. It’s been a blast working on it and I can’t wait for people to experience this new offering of a familiar tale with hilarious new characters and one that will leave you with laughter and tears of hope at the end.
‘Smolder, stage chops’
“If you think you know ‘A Christmas Carol,’ (you do) not until you’ve seen it from Marley’s side. One-actor productions bring such an intimate energy to the stage and with Robbie Allen at the helm, this version promises to be both hilarious and deeply moving. (His) smolder and stage chops bring to life not just Marley but the entire cast of characters, including Scrooge, the spirits, and a wonderfully nasty little sprite tormentor (and perhaps spirit guide).”
Allen chimed in, “First of all, it’s great to be back at MCT performing on this stage again with people I love working with. When Todd asked me to look at this particular play, I was very interested actually. I love different takes on classic tales. Reading this one hit me pretty hard, it takes the redemption factor of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and turns it way up in my opinion. I love Marley’s journey through this story. His arc throughout the play is an actor’s dream to navigate.
“I think, even though he was a rotten human during his life, that we can all relate to his journey in some way. I personally love seeing the bad guy turn good. Marley has to face himself in his objective to save Scrooge’s soul, and that really stuck out to me.”
He continued, “We get to explore Marley’s past as well, which is incredibly fascinating and well-written. There’s also wonderfully deep philosophical and spiritual aspects to the show that really resonated with me. Playing the other characters, also on slightly similar redemption paths, is also a blast.”
“Todd Thomas’s direction was amazing and collaborative,” Allen added, giving full kudos. “We were definitely on the same page with the tone and direction of the story, which makes the process fun and rewarding. The set is an incredible playground–Todd did an amazing job bringing that to life.”
Allen confided, “Doing the holiday play in the Mother Lode is very refreshing. Having grown up here, it’s great being back and getting to spend two consecutive holidays at home with family and friends is amazing. I am very grateful for that. I usually have a hard time with making it up for the holidays from L.A., so having work up here is a blessing!”
Asked about plans for the new year, Allen dished, “I’ll have a few feature films being released across various platforms. I’ll also be helping out with the Summer on Screen camp at MCT, teaching filmmaking and acting. I’m also trying to produce a feature film in the Calaveras area this next year with some L.A. folks and Murphys natives.”
Murphys Creek Theatre is located at 580 S. Algiers near the heart of historic downtown Murphys. For more details about the show, MCT, its current season, tickets, and plans for 2025, visit: